Nutrition Works: Crazy “Coolslaw”

Nutrition Works: Crazy “Coolslaw”

Our Nutrition Works team works to provide our clients with recipes detailing how to create healthy dishes and treats with the ingredients that they are bringing home from our mobile markets.

If you are looking for a refreshing side to add to your meals this summer, we suggest that you try Nutrition Works’ Crazy “Coolslaw.”

The coleslaw combines cabbage, grapes, carrots, pineapple and other ingredients to create a tasty treat for the summer months.

Crazy Coolslaw
• 4 cups shredded cabbage
• 1-1/2 cups grapes, cut in half
• 1 cup shredded carrots
• ½ cup drained, crushed pineapple
• tablespoons light mayonnaise
• 1 tablespoon honey
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice
• 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
• Stir well to mix ingredients
• Chill for 15 minutes before serving

Ensalada Colasol
• 4 tazas de repollo verde cortado en tiritas
• 1½ tazas de uvas, cada uva cortada a la mitad
• 1 taza de zanahoria rallada
• ½ taza de piña enlatada triturada y escurrida
• cucharadas de mayonesa baja en calorías
• cucharada de miel
• 1 cucharadita de jugo de limón
• 1/8 cucharadita de canela
• Revuelva bien para mezclar los ingredientes
• Pon en el refrigerador durante 15 minutos antes de servir

Trying out a recipe? Tag us on social media!
Share your results with us! If you love to share healthy recipes, make a recipe your own, or simply share your photos, we’d love to see how it turns out. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Happy (and healthy) cooking!