Nutrition Works: Breakfast Egg Muffins

Nutrition Works: Breakfast Egg Muffins

Our Nutrition Works team works to provide our clients with recipes detailing how to cook the food that they are bringing home from our mobile markets into delicious meals and treats.

If you are looking for a quick and nutritious breakfast treat, you will want to try Nutrition Works’ Breakfast Egg Muffin recipe. The recipe includes two different kinds of egg muffins: a spinach, tomato and mozzarella egg muffin and a broccoli and cheddar egg muffin, which includes eggs, tomatoes, cheese and broccoli.

Breakfast Egg Muffins
– Preheat oven to 350F
– Lightly spray muffin liners with cooking spray
– 12 large eggs
– 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion
– Season with salt and pepper
– Pour halfway up into each muffin cup
– Fill 6 muffin cups with ½ cup chopped spinach, 12 cherry tomatoes (halved) and ½ cup shred
– Fill remaining 6 cups with ½ cup chopped broccoli, ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
– Bake for 15-20 minutes, until eggs set
– Let cool slightly and enjoy!

Mantecadas de Huevo Para el Desayuno
– Precaliente el horno a 350F
– Rocíe ligeramente los moldes para muffins con aceite en aerosol
– 12 huevos grandes
– 2 chucharadas de cebolla finamente picada
– Sazone con sal y pimienta
– Vierta hasta la mitad en cada taza para muffins
– Llene 6 moldes para muffins con ½ taza de espinaca picada, 12 tomates cherry (cortados por la mitad) y ½ taza de queso mozzarella rallado
– Llene las 6 tazas restantes con ½ taza de broccoli picado y ½ taza de queso cheddar rallado
– Hornee durante 15-20 minutos, hasta que los huevos cuajen
– ¡Deja enfriar un poco y disfruta!

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